Expedition Titan

2,613 polygons
4096 texture

2,613 polygons
4096 texture

15,976 polygons
4096 texture

15,976 polygons
4096 texture

704 polygons
4096 texture

704 polygons
4096 texture

704 polygons
4096 texture

704 polygons
4096 texture

4,940 polygons
4096 texture

4,940 polygons
4096 texture

4096 pbr material

4096 pbr material

World Machine terrain
8k height map 
8k texture

World Machine terrain
8k height map
8k texture

I created these props for our experience Expedition Titan. Located at the Pacific Science Center in Seattle the player walks through our 20ft by 40ft booth setup by wearing a VR headset and backpack computer. Built with Unity

March 9, 2020